Suki Assistant works for physicians across dozens of specialties.

True ambience and beyond.

Generates notes ambiently

Takes dictation and commands

Simplifies coding

Answers questions

Deep EHR integrations

Whether you’re an orthopedic foot and ankle surgeon, a gastroenterologist, or a family medicine physician, Suki Assistant can help you complete your documentation faster, so you can focus on what matters.

Spend time on patient care, not the EHR.

Your patients have complex issues. Suki Assistant takes care of your administrative tasks, so you can give patients your undivided attention.

Less time documenting.

Speak your notes and save time. Suki Assistant helps clinicians reduce documentation time by an average of 72%.

Easily access information.

Pull patient medications, vital signs, medical history, and more with your voice. Suki Assistant retrieves the information from your EHR for you.

Industry-leading accuracy.

Suki Assistant understands context and intent, so listens and documents with industry-leading 99%+ accuracy.

Safe & secure.

Suki Assistant is HIPAA compliant and uses advanced security features to safeguard you and your patients.


“Suki, copy the history
from my last note.”

Suki Assistant understands and follows your commands.


“Suki, show me the patient's medications.”

Easily pull information directly from the EHR.


“Suki, Leticia had a normal physical exam.”

Get accurate notes just by speaking naturally.


“Suki, I'm done.”

Push the note to your EHR via our secure integrations.

Features that matter most.

Suki Assistant understands context and intent, so it knows to use “peroneal”, not “perineal”, when you're treating a patient's leg.

Create and edit notes

"Suki, create a new note for Bob Jones.”

“Suki, copy the history from my last note.”

Create and edit notes

“Suki, show me the patient's medications.”

“Suki, show me Mr. Jones's medical history.”

Create and edit notes

“Suki, the first problem is epigastric pain.”

“Suki, the next problem is diabetes.”

Create and edit notes

“Mr. Jones is here today with new onset of cough.”

“Normal ECG - normal sinus rhythm and normal rate.”

What physicians say.

"Not only did Suki increase the quality of my time with patients, but it also improved the quality of my notes. The level of detail in my Suki notes has improved decision making during surgery as well as with post-op care."

- Dr. Alex Ereso, Plastic Surgery

"I was able to go from 12 minutes per patient note down to around 2 minutes per note. I love having the extra time."

- Dr. Michael Miller, Family Medicine

“I feel like I can spend more time looking at my patient, interacting with them, because I’m not so worried about typing my note while they’re speaking to me.”

- Dr. Jared Berkowitz, Internal Medicine

Ready to learn more?

Set up time with our Sales team to see Suki in action.